E1M Online® Terms and Conditions
Take this information into account to ensure the validity and effectiveness of your guarantee in the E1M Online intensive program:
1 - E1M is an exclusive program that incorporates parameters for rights protection and confidentiality. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to partially or fully reproduce, by any means, any image or material provided by E1M to the student (whether physical or digital) without prior written express permission from E1M. Violating this warning may result in legal consequences for the responsible party.
2 - E1M protects and supports student outcomes by offering a guarantee that ensures a high level of conversational ability, as well as reading and writing comprehension, upon completing the program. Additionally, E1M commits to a full refund of the investment made in Regular Classes if the student completes the entire program without achieving the promised level of bilingualism. This will be evaluated based on exam results and overall performance. For this guarantee to remain valid, attending all program classes is mandatory, and skipping classes is not allowed. If a student misses a class, regardless of the reason for the absence, including medical incapacity (which does not require documentation), they must make up the missed class through a Make-up Class, which incurs an additional cost.
3 - It is not possible to take the respective module exam if the student has any missing classes or pending assignments.
4 - E1M is an intensive program that enables bilingualism in less than a year of study. It is the student’s responsibility to allocate sufficient time to complete all homework, which is a vital part of the process and must be diligently fulfilled for the program to achieve its objectives. Otherwise, at E1M's discretion, the guarantee may be voided. For these reasons, E1M implements various systems to encourage students to maintain the highest level of discipline in all aspects of the program (assignment completion, punctuality, etc.) as both incentives and preventive measures. Motivational strategies include "Extra Points for E1M Exams" and the "E1M Excellence Scholarship" as rewards for good academic performance. Corrective measures, such as "point deductions," are designed to instill in students the need for greater discipline, sacrifice, and focus on the program’s requirements for their own benefit.
5 - Punctuality, attendance, and class participation directly affect the continuity of the guarantee. Failure to comply with these requirements could even result in expulsion (see point 19).
6 - The duration of Regular Classes (ranging from one hour to one and a half hours) is determined at the discretion of E1M's management, based on the topic, the number of students present, and/or other administrative needs. Most classes in the program will have a duration of one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes.
7 - The prices, general and specific features, and duration of the program are subject to change at E1M's discretion and may occur without prior notice. These changes are always made with the aim of providing an increasingly successful and satisfactory service. Program costs increase annually every January.
8 - The validity and effectiveness of the student's guarantee are also subject to the teacher’s evaluation, based on factors such as punctuality, behavior during class, completion of assignments, and fulfillment of other responsibilities, such as the “bet,” among others. While students will receive daily assignments, these will not be corrected on a daily basis. Instead, the program is designed so that all tasks must be submitted gradually throughout the module, but only a selection of them will be corrected. This will not impact the results guaranteed by E1M in any way. Thanks to E1M’s exclusive methodology, outstanding results are achieved through alternative feedback systems that ensure the student’s proper language-learning development.
9 - E1M is committed to ensuring the satisfactory delivery of the services for which the student has made payment. Therefore, no refunds or transfers of funds will be made under any circumstances, except in the scenario outlined in point 2. However, it is possible to apply for a freezing of funds, which can remain valid within E1M’s system for future use by the student. Upon return, any unused funds paid for classes or other elements will be transferred as a total credit within the E1M system, allowing the student to use this credit towards future payments at the current applicable rates. Any frozen or credited amounts (or paid classes and elements) that remain unused in the system will be reduced to 50% after 1 year and 6 months. After 2 years, these amounts will be reduced to 25%, and after 2 years and 6 months, the amount will be reduced to 0%.
10 - Payment for Make-up Classes (1 hour in duration) is made individually, even if two (2) or more students attend the same session. Additionally, during the time allotted for one or more Make-up Classes, one or more students may take different classes simultaneously with the same teacher, provided that the mechanics of these classes do not interfere with each other. Scheduling classes is the responsibility of each student, including those who regularly follow the same schedule. Class scheduling is done via WhatsApp and must be notified by the previous calendar day, before 6:00 PM (COL). It is the student’s responsibility to correctly schedule their class to secure a spot for the following day.
11 - Changes or cancellations: Any schedule modification or absence must be notified at least two (2) hours before the scheduled class time, either through the academy’s personal chat or via a phone call. If the student fails to provide prior notice within this timeframe and/or does not attend the class, regardless of the reason for the absence or failure to notify, the class will still be charged, and the corresponding Make-up Class will incur its full cost. It is important to keep this condition in mind, as failing to comply may result in financial losses and logistical disruptions for the academy. Penalties will be applied without the possibility of appeal.
12 - The availability of schedules and groups will vary depending on their usage. Based on the number of students and the frequency of their attendance at certain schedules, E1M management may implement one or both of the following actions: A) Close a group with few students and reorganize them into other group(s). B) To facilitate a group unification process, alternate weeks of study with rest weeks (e.g., one week on, one week off) until the necessary alignment is achieved. Both scenarios (A and B) may involve a waiting period during the execution of these processes. These adjustments are made solely to ensure the stability of the group(s) in question, which will depend on factors such as the number of active teachers, the number of active groups and students, the results achieved in various program activities and exams, and/or the number of students on the waiting list for program entry. In all cases, E1M will always strive for the complete satisfaction of its students and ensure the successful fulfillment of the program guarantee.
13 - E1M Calendar: As an intensive program, students will attend classes from Monday to Friday and will rest on Saturdays, Sundays, and Colombian public holidays, regardless of their country of residence. In this structure, the 30 classes of one E1M module are completed in approximately one (1) month and one (1) week. The full program consists of 216 classes (6 modules + 6 reinforcement weeks) and is completed in approximately 10 months. Finally, the program includes four vacation breaks (see point 20), resulting in a total program duration of 1 year and 2 months.
14 - Rights Transfer Clause: By completing the enrollment process, the student agrees to transfer to E1M, fully and without limitation, the proprietary rights they hold over any photographic and/or video works in which they are involved, whether individually or as part of a group, in any format. As a result, E1M acquires the right to reproduce this material in all forms, including audiovisual inclusion. Therefore, the student authorizes and grants E1M the rights to transform or adapt, publicly communicate, distribute, and generally exploit the works by any means, known or yet to be discovered, such as publication in magazines, brochures, videos, social media, and/or websites related to institutional affiliations, without the right to demand any remuneration from the student.
15 - By providing their personal data, the individual authorizes and grants E1M the right to process such data. This information will be used for the academy's educational and academic procedures, as well as for documentation and advertising purposes, whether via email, the internet, websites, and/or social media, in connection with institutional affiliations.
16 - Throughout several classes, there will be the presence of spectators and/or induction instructors in addition to the main teacher. During these sessions, time will be allocated to allow this audience to familiarize themselves with the program, which is a fundamental part of E1M's growth mechanism. Therefore, this should not be seen as an obstacle to the class's development. It is solely at the discretion of E1M’s management to determine how class time will be utilized for specific activities. Students are required to respect and adhere to these decisions, doing so with full confidence in the fact that E1M is the only methodology on the global market today that guarantees the results it promises.
17 - It is the student's responsibility to carefully read the regulations and instructions outlined in the various communications, flyers, and informational materials of the program, such as the profile picture of the "WhatsApp Scheduling Group" and the "E1M Points" instructions, and to follow the guidelines explicitly stated therein.
In the event of an error by the student, they will not be able to file complaints, must take responsibility for any damages caused, and will be required to pay the corresponding penalties.
18 - The payment made for program enrollment will be forfeited if the individual does not begin classes in the cycle and on the date specified during their registration. The same will apply if the student resumes the program after a pause of more than thirty (30) calendar days or if the student changes groups or schedules.
19 - Above all, E1M prioritizes respect, peace, and cordiality. It is expressly stated that any act of irreverence, aggression, and/or fraud will be penalized with the loss of Extra Points (EP), class suspension, and/or immediate expulsion. At E1M, we reserve the right of admission and continued enrollment.
20 - E1M includes the following vacation periods: Holy Week, mid-year, a break between October and November, and year-end holidays. However, E1M reserves the right to modify, postpone, and/or cancel these vacation periods. Additionally, depending on the number of active instructors, there may be class pauses (see point 22) in the event of an accumulation of exams, activities to review, or administrative tasks to complete.
21 - The costs of the E1M program may vary depending on the student’s country of residence.
22 - Class Break: E1M reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone classes to create spaces for study, rest, or for various logistical reasons. "Class Breaks" may occur without prior notice, even just minutes before the class.
23 - The "WhatsApp Help!" service aims to provide support to students every day of the year, day and night. Responses will be given as soon as possible, which means that at times the service may be instant and continuous, while at other times there may be an indefinite waiting period.
24 - Periodically, E1M may conduct processes to confirm the student’s current residence, to which the student must provide accurate and timely responses. This is done to properly implement the provisions outlined in point 21. If you change your residence, you must inform E1M management, in which case a currency adjustment may be applied. If an unreported change of residence is discovered during the verification process, the corresponding penalty will be applied, and the currency adjustment will be made.
25 - The number of students in each group ranges from an average of 4 to 10 members. In the initial modules, groups may include more than 20 students, while in the later modules, groups may consist of around 5 students. These numbers have been carefully planned and organized to occur in this way. E1M guarantees that the group size will never affect the student’s performance or results.
26 - E1M’s exclusive educational system combines three modalities in one: personalized, semi-personalized, and group. The program is based on constant communication between the teacher and the student via WhatsApp. Due to the nature and characteristics of E1M's methodology, the teacher’s ongoing support and continuous interaction with the student are equally important both inside and outside the classroom. This means that using the “WhatsApp Help!” advisory service (an E1M service) is a mandatory requirement for students and indispensable during their learning process. Neglecting to use this valuable tool and failing to take advantage of its significant benefits may severely impact the student’s results and their guarantee.
27 - Keeping the camera on at all times is a requirement for attending and remaining in class and all types of sessions. Additionally, students must have the ability to take notes, read texts, answer questions, and participate effectively in class activities. Failure to meet these requirements will necessitate a Make-up Class.
28 - E1M offers students flexibility with a wide variety of convenient and beneficial payment options. In return, students are required to make payments on time within the respective deadlines to avoid late fees.
29 - The student’s continued enrollment in the program may depend on their passing or failing the exam for each module.
By enrolling in the program and/or continuing to participate in it, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.
Enjoy your time at E1M and make the most of the exclusive effectiveness of the best language academy in the global market, recognized for being the educational system that delivers the highest quality results in the shortest time and at the lowest possible cost.
Last updated: NOV 16, 2023.
Sebastian Lara Morales
E1M® N.I.T. 1018438714-8, Bogotá Chamber of Commerce - Registration No. 02699737, June 17, 2016.
E1M® Methodology Registered with DNDA (National Copyright Office) and SIC (Superintendency of Industry and Commerce).
All Rights Reserved - E1Monline.com

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